Baroque Dreaming Into Contemporary Opera
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Mysticism, Feminism, and the Power of Nature
View details about the event: Baroque Dreaming Into Contemporary OperaL'ostinazione della letteratura. Chiara Marchelli con Federica Manzon
L’ostinazione della letteratura
Chiara Marchelli, author
in conversation with
Federica Manzon, author
The episode will be broadcast on Casa’s Facebook Page and website
The conversation will focus on the role of literature and the craft of writing today, especially in the two authors’ own experiences. They will discuss what writing means for them, and what its impact and value may be today. Subjects such as inspiration, discipline, motivation, and life choices will be explored to understand how life has shaped their writing, and vice versa. A few examples of contemporary authors will be discussed in order to broaden the exchange.
Chiara Marchelli was born in Aosta and received her degree in Oriental Languages in Venice. She has published six novels, a collection of stories and an essay about New York, the city she lives in. She teaches Contemporary Literature, Translation, and Creative Writing at New York University. In 2017 she published Le notti blu (Giulio Perrone Editore), chosen among the twelve finalists of the Premio Strega. For NNEditore she recently published La memoria della cenere (2019) and Redenzione (2020).
Federica Manzon, born in 1981 in Pordenone, lives and works between Turin and Milan. She is the author of the novels Come si dice addio (Mondadori, 2008), Di fama e di sventura (Mondadori, 2011) – that won the Premio Rapallo Carige per la Letteratura Femminile and the Premio Campiello Selezione Giuria dei Letterati – and La nostalgia degli altri (Feltrinelli, 2017). She curated the anthology I mari di Trieste (Bompiani, 2015). Her latest novel is Il bosco del confine (Aboca, 2020).
Tutti a Casa! Live Chats About All Things Italian is the new radio-style, web-based talk show that Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò and the Department of Italian Studies at NYU are launching to bring into your homes the voices and flavors of live and entertaining talks around Italian matters that really matter: arts, movies, literature, politics, and a lot more.
This is our way to keep our community connected and continue to learn new things together in these times of challenge and pain, but also of opportunity. A new way to be together, and engaged on a common track of learning and discovery.