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La vita accanto (The Life Apart)

Italy on Screen Today

Friday, December 6, 2024
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm


This event is part of
Italy on Screen Today
9th Edition
New York, December 5-10, 2024

New York Premiere Screening
La vita accanto (The Life Apart)
(2024, Italy, 113 min.)
In ITALIAN with ENGLISH subtitles

Directed by
Marco Tullio Giordana

Written by
Marco Bellocchio, Marco Tullio Giordana, Gloria Malatesta

Based on a novel by
Mariapia Veladiano

Beatrice Barison, Sonia Bergamasco, Paolo Pierobon,
Valentina Bellè, Michela Cescon

Produced by
Kavac, IBC Movie, RAI Cinema
With the support of Fondazione Veneto Film Commission

Distributed by

In Vicenza, a beautiful Italian art city, a young wealthy couple joyfully welcomes the birth of a long-awaited daughter in the early 1980s. But the child’s face is disfigured by a red birthmark that covers half her face. This spot haunts the mother to the point that she rejects her responsibilities as a mother. The child’s aunt, a famous concert pianist, takes over her education, thus discovering her exceptional musical talent.