Accademia Verdiana in New York
- Music
Young Artists Recital
View details about the event: Accademia Verdiana in New Yorkwith director Michele Cinque
(2018, Documentary, 86 min.)
In English, German, Italian with English subtitles
Directed by Michele Cinque
Preceded by the screening of Michele Cinque’s short documentary film
Jululu (2017, 15 min.).
Introduced by David Forgacs (NYU)
Followed by a conversation with director Michele Cinque
Through a crowdfunding campaign a group of youngsters buys a vessel, the Iuventa, and in July 2016 starts a search and rescue program in the Mediterranean Sea. The claim of the NGO is that they are not the ones who have to do the job; they start the operations to demonstrate that a search and rescue program at sea is mandatory and is a moral duty for Europe. After a year of operations (in which more than 14,000 people have been rescued), the ship has now been impounded and confiscated by the Italian authorities in Lampedusa and the NGO is under investigation. The documentary film Iuventa follows the life of the protagonists from the first mission of the boat for more than a year, until their utopic and humanitarian dream clashes with reality. Click here for further information.