Accademia Verdiana in New York
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NYU Department of Italian Studies
NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
Italian Lyric Poetry
Perspectives and Interactions
A Graduate Conference
The Conference presents papers by a group of doctoral students from various American universities who deal with the works of poets from Guido Cavalcanti, Dante, Michelangelo, Tasso, Foscolo, and Leopardi up to Campana and Luzi. While their approaches are different, all the studies indicate a propensity to read poetry by establishing stratified associations with diverse disciplines. They open a relational space in which medieval, modern, and contemporary lyric poetry interacts with philosophy (Aristotle and Aristotelianism, Neoplatonism: Plotinus; Vico, and Hegel), history, and ethnology. The renewed interest in lyric poetry recently expressed by younger scholars does not fully explain or motivate their interpretations and methods. Rather, what emerges from their readings is the result of a more specific, focused attempt to activate a challenging interaction between the emotional-sentimental sphere and the intellectual-erudite.
Shane Manieri, CUNY Graduate Center
Painting in the Soul: The Liminal Space Between Emotions and Poetic Imagery in Cavalcanti’s Sonnets
Fabio Caredda, NYU
Warlpiri Dreams and the Expressiveness of Sensible through Words: The Conception of an Existential Territory in the Poems of the Vita Nuova
Filippo Fabbricatore, CUNY Graduate Center
«Mentre ch’al corpo l’alma non è tolta»: Michelangelo’s Earthly Quest for Absolute, from Neoplatonism to “Non Finito”
Stefano Scandella, NYU
Corporeal Imagination: Poíesis and Self-Knowledge in the Mythopoetic Tradition
Nara Aligulova, NYU
Tracing Anti-Colonialism in the Writings of Giacomo Leopardi
Leonardo Campaner, NYU
“Pazzi Sublimi.” For a Reading of Dino Campana’s Orphic Songs through the Lyric Poetry of Torquato Tasso
Michele Morelli, Princeton University
Mediation and negation in Mario Luzi’s Avvento Notturno