Guido Alberto Fano
- Concert
A Journey in Words and Music
View details about the event: Guido Alberto FanoThe Betrothed (I promessi sposi) (Penguin Random House, 2022)
Watch the video: Book Presentation: THE BETROTHEDItalian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 2: A as in A Plus (as in Armani)Le immagini prendono vita Poesia e pittura nel Rinascimento
Watch the video: Le immagini prendono vita: Poesia e pittura nel RinascimentoToday’s word is CILECCA, Italian for “misfiring” or “failing.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cilecca”Washington Square News
Read more about: ‘I treat fashion the way I treat Aristotle’: A Q&A with Grazia D’Annunzio (open in a new tab)Launch of Casa Italiana’s new video series Italian Fashion from A to Z.
Watch the video: Launching “Italian Fashion from A to Z”Vanityfair.it
Read more about: Italian Fashion from A to Z: il dizionario della moda sbarca sul web (open in a new tab)vogue.it
Read more about: La moda italiana dalla A alla Z in una serie web (open in a new tab)Italian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 1: W as in The Five Ws of Italian Fashionwwd
Read more about: New YouTube Series Explores Italian Fashion From A to Z (open in a new tab)In collaboration with Primo Levi Center
Watch the video: Book Presentation: “One Hundred Saturdays” with Stella LeviToday’s word is CALCAGNO, Italian for “heel.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Calcagno”“Know that every day and every night I cannot think of anyone but you” Maria Savorgnan’s letters to Pietro Bembo
Watch the video: Maria Savorgnan’s Letters to Pietro BemboA film by Jessica Gould
Watch the video: Babylon: Ghetto, Renaissance, and Modern OblivionToday’s word is GANZO, Italian for something cool.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ganzo”Today’s word is SGAMARE, Italian for catching someone doing something.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sgamare”Part of In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY 2022 In Collaboration with Center for Italian Modern Art
Watch the video: EXILE (Confino) by Alessandro Tampieri (Live at Center for Italian Modern Art, New York)Part of In Scena! Italian Theater Festival NY 2022 In Collaboration with Center for Italian Modern Art
Watch the video: A Conversation with Luca De Santis and Presentation of “Exile” by Alessandro TampieriToday’s word is PAZZO, Italian for crazy.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pazzo”Today’s word is CRAPULA, Italian for excessive eating.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Crapula”Translating Myself and Others (2022, Princeton University Press)
Watch the video: Jhumpa Lahiri presents “Translating Myself and Others” with Jenny McPheeToday’s word is GIGIONEGGIARE, Italian for hamming it up, or for being a ham actor.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Gigioneggiare”Panelists: John Agnew, UCLA Mariachiara Giorda, University of Roma Tre Silvia Omenetto, Sapienza University, Rome
Watch the video: How Italian Cities Created Religious DiversityToday’s word is BARZOTTO, Italian for something in-between states, be it an egg not fully cooked, or a penis not fully erect.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Barzotto”Today’s word is SPIEGARE, the Italian verb “to explain.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spiegare”Today’s word is GODERE, Italian for “experiencing deep pleasure.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Godere”the brooklyn rail
Read more about: “Radical Poets of Different Feathers” by Luigi Ballerini (open in a new tab)La voce di New York
Read more about: New York vs Covid: Stefano Albertini, la Casa NYU e la disfida della cultura italiana (open in a new tab)Today’s word is FERRO, Italian for iron.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ferro”Book Presentation Talking to the Girls Intimate and Political Essays on the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire Candid and intimate accounts of the factory-worker tragedy that shaped American labor rights
Watch the video: Book Presentation: “Talking to the Girls”Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities An Italian Perspective for a Changing World
Watch the video: Lectio Magistralis by Minister Elena BonettiToday’s word is SECCHIONE, Italian for a know-it-all, or a nerd.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Secchione”Today’s word is AMBARADAN, Italian for “the whole shebang.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ambaradan”Today’s word is ASSAI, Italian for “a lot.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Assai”Today’s word is CHIACCHIERONE, Italian for a chatterbox.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Chiacchierone”Today’s word is SFIZIO, Italian for a treat, or a whim.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sfizio”Today’s word is CLESSIDRA, Italian for hourglass.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Clessidra”Today’s word is ESAUDIRE, Italian for fulfilling a wish.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Esaudire”Part of Giorno della Memoria 2022
Watch the video: The Garden of the Finzi-Continis: The Novel, the Film, and the OperaOn the occasion of the world premiere of the opera “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis” Music by Ricky Ian Gordon Libretto by Michael Korie Directed and choreographed by Richard Stafford Based on the novel by Giorgio Bassani
Watch the video: Judge Guido Calabresi on “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis”On the occasion of the world premiere of the opera “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis” Music by Ricky Ian Gordon Libretto by Michael Korie Directed and choreographed by Richard Stafford Based on the novel by Giorgio Bassani
Watch the video: Judge Guido Calabresi on “The Garden of the Finzi-Continis” [EXTENDED INTERVIEW]Today’s word is TOMBOLA, the traditional Christmas Italian bingo.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tombola”“The Best Weapon for Peace: Maria Montessori, Education, and Children’s Rights” by Erica Moretti (FIT – SUNY)
Watch the video: “The Best Weapon for Peace” Book PresentationToday’s word is SPICCIARE, Italian for getting things done, or for hurrying up.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spicciare”Today’s word is CEFFO, Italian for mug.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ceffo”Part of N.I.C.E. (New Italian Cinema Events) Film Festival
Watch the video: A Conversation with “El Numero Nueve” director Pablo BenedettiPart of the N.I.C.E. (New Italian Cinema Events) Film Festival
Watch the video: Dante in Silent Italian CinemaFiorentina.it
Read more about: ‘El Numero Nueve’, il docu-film su Gabriel Batistuta sbarca al N.I.C.E. Festival a New York (open in a new tab)Paolo Naso, Università La Sapienza, Rome Author of “Martin Luther King. Una storia americana” (Laterza, 2021)
Watch the video: Martin Luther King Jr.: An “Italian” StoryToday’s word is RACCONTO, Italian for story or tale.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Racconto”Adventures in Italian Opera with Fred Plotkin.
Watch the video: A Conversation with Roberto Scarcella PerinoToday’s word is BISCHERO, Italian for tuning peg, Tuscan for stupid.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bischero”RSI
Read more about: New York città che ci ripensa (open in a new tab)Today’s word is PAGLIACCIO, Italian for clown.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pagliaccio”Book Presentation
Watch the video: Italian Neorealism: A Cultural HistoryToday’s word is TREMENDO, Italian for terrible, or horrific, and not – as one would imagine – tremendous.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tremendo”Today’s word is OMERTÀ, the code of silence enacted by a community in the face of organized crime.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Omertà”Today’s word is POLPETTONE, which literally means “meatloaf,” but is also used figuratively.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Polpettone”Today’s word is PARACULO, applied to those who cleverly look out for themselves.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Paraculo”La Repubblica
Read more about: Podcast: Antonio Monda on the Exhibition “Fulvio Roiter: High-Rise New York” (open in a new tab)Today’s word is SCHIZZO, Italian for sketch, splash, and other meanings.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Schizzo”Today’s word is ZONZO, Italian for wandering or roaming.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zonzo”Today’s word is BIRICHINO, Italian for a little rascal.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Birichino”Today’s word is BOFONCHIARE, Italian for mumbling and complaining.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bofonchiare”Today’s word is MINESTRA, Italian for soup.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Minestra”Today’s word is PASTICCIO and other derivations of the word.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pasticcio”Today’s word is MONELLO, Italian for a brat, someone who is naughty.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Monello”Today’s word is POGO, Italian for a mosh pit.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pogo”Author Ara Merjian in conversation with Francesco Guzzetti, Teresa Kittler, Barry Schwabsky. Moderated by Alessandro Giammei. Co-presented with Magazzino Italian Art, Center for Italian Modern Art, Italian Cultural Institute of New York.
Watch the video: Against the Avant-Garde: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Contemporary Art, and NeocapitalismToday’s word is FURFANTE, Italian for a petty thief.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Furfante”Virtual Salons: Discourses on Black Italia In collaboration with NYU Florence Ada Ugo Abara, Arising Africans Rahel Sereke, Cambio Passo Anthony Chima, Black Lives Matter Bologna Pierre Aboa, Black Lives Matter Bergamo Moderated by Candice Whitney, writer and translator Angelica Pesarini, NYU
Watch the video: Black Lives Matter in Italy: Movements & MobilizationsToday’s word is SCIOCCO, Italian for silly (but also used to mean “saltless.”)
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sciocco”Today’s word is SOLFEGGIO.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Solfeggio”Part of the series “Tutti a Casa! Live Chats About All Things Italian”
Watch the video: Made in Italy and Nation BrandingPart of the series AdDRESSing Style
Watch the video: Glamorous, Glittering Gio’! Giovanna Battaglia with Grazia D’AnnunzioPart of the series “Viva Voce”
Watch the video: Dancing Divas: Bellini’s “La Sonnambula” on Video in 1950s ItalyToday’s word is ZERBINO, Italian for doormat.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zerbino”Laura Caparrotti, Artistic Director, KIT – Kairos Italy Theater in conversation with Frank J. Avella, playwright Marcella Bencivenni, CUNY Excerpts read by Giacomo Rocchini and Mario Merone, KIT
Watch the video: Political Theater in Italian American TheaterToday’s word is BIZZA, Italian for a tantrum.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bizza”Part of the series Virtual Salons: Discourses on Black Italia
Watch the video: Reimagining the Archives & Centering Black HistoriesToday’s word is FORMICOLIO, Italian for a “swarm” or a “tingling sensation.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Formicolìo”A talk by Jessica Gabriel Peritz (Yale University) Respondent: Shane Butler (Johns Hopkins University) Co-sponsored by Medieval and Renaissance Center at NYU Moderated by Eugenio Refini (NYU)
Watch the video: Domesticating the Tenth Muse: Myths of Female Voice and Enlightened Progress in 1790s ItalyToday’s word is OTTIMO, Italian for “great,” or “optimal.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ottimo”Antonia Arslan, writer in conversation with Maria Teresa Cometto (Author of La Marchesa Colombi: Vita, romanzi e passioni della prima giornalista del Corriere della Sera)
Watch the video: La Marchesa Colombi and the Free Women of Late 19th-Century ItalyToday’s word is TAMARRO, Italian for something or someone with very bad taste or vulgar.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tamarro”Laura Caparrotti (KIT- Kairos Italy Theater) interviews Davide Enia, Marco Martinelli, Marco Paolini, and Giorgina Pi.
Watch the video: Political Theater in Italian TheaterLa voce di New York
Read more about: L’Italia s’è desta nella violenza: dall’Unità ad oggi, il sangue scorso tra gli italiani (open in a new tab)David Forgacs, NYU Author of Messaggi di sangue: La violenza nella storia d’Italia
Watch the video: Violence in Italian HistoryPart of the series VivaVoce Early Modern Voice and the Representation of Racial Difference Scenes of Performance at the Medici Court in the Primo Seicento
Watch the video: Early Modern Voice and the Representation of Racial DifferenceToday’s word is FARFALLONE, Italian for the male butterfly, and figurative for a ladies-man.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Farfallone”Presenting Fiona Greenland’s “Ruling Culture”
Watch the video: Tomb Raiders and the Italian Art SquadExcerpt from RAI Television’s TERZA PAGINA Episode 22 Led by Licia Troisi
Watch the video: Antonio Monda on Dante’s 700th Anniversary in New YorkPart of the series AdDRESSing Style
Watch the video: Becoming Biki