Accademia Verdiana in New York
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Young Artists Recital
View details about the event: Accademia Verdiana in New YorkToday’s word is CAREZZA, Italian for “caress.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Carezza”Italian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 9: N as in Natural, Neo-minimal, Numeral… as in N° 21Italian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italiana Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 8: J as in Joyous, Juicy, jazzy… as in Stella JeanToday’s word is RIBALTA, Italian for overturn, and for a theater proscenium.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ribalta”Today’s word is SPACCONE, Italian for a blowhard or know-it-all.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spaccone”Italian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 3: L as in Luxurious, Lightweight… as in FendiItalian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 2: A as in A Plus (as in Armani)Today’s word is CILECCA, Italian for “misfiring” or “failing.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cilecca”Italian Fashion from A to Z is a 25-episode video series conceived by Grazia d’Annunzio with Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò at New York University.
Watch the video: Italian Fashion From A to Z / Ep. 1: W as in The Five Ws of Italian FashionToday’s word is CALCAGNO, Italian for “heel.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Calcagno”Today’s word is GANZO, Italian for something cool.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ganzo”Today’s word is SGAMARE, Italian for catching someone doing something.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sgamare”Today’s word is PAZZO, Italian for crazy.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pazzo”Today’s word is CRAPULA, Italian for excessive eating.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Crapula”Today’s word is GIGIONEGGIARE, Italian for hamming it up, or for being a ham actor.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Gigioneggiare”Today’s word is BARZOTTO, Italian for something in-between states, be it an egg not fully cooked, or a penis not fully erect.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Barzotto”Today’s word is SPIEGARE, the Italian verb “to explain.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spiegare”Today’s word is GODERE, Italian for “experiencing deep pleasure.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Godere”Today’s word is FERRO, Italian for iron.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ferro”Today’s word is SECCHIONE, Italian for a know-it-all, or a nerd.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Secchione”Today’s word is AMBARADAN, Italian for “the whole shebang.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ambaradan”Today’s word is ASSAI, Italian for “a lot.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Assai”Today’s word is CHIACCHIERONE, Italian for a chatterbox.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Chiacchierone”Today’s word is SFIZIO, Italian for a treat, or a whim.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sfizio”Today’s word is CLESSIDRA, Italian for hourglass.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Clessidra”Today’s word is ESAUDIRE, Italian for fulfilling a wish.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Esaudire”Today’s word is TOMBOLA, the traditional Christmas Italian bingo.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tombola”Today’s word is SPICCIARE, Italian for getting things done, or for hurrying up.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spicciare”Today’s word is CEFFO, Italian for mug.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ceffo”Today’s word is RACCONTO, Italian for story or tale.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Racconto”Today’s word is BISCHERO, Italian for tuning peg, Tuscan for stupid.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bischero”Today’s word is PAGLIACCIO, Italian for clown.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pagliaccio”Today’s word is TREMENDO, Italian for terrible, or horrific, and not – as one would imagine – tremendous.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tremendo”Today’s word is OMERTÀ, the code of silence enacted by a community in the face of organized crime.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Omertà”Today’s word is POLPETTONE, which literally means “meatloaf,” but is also used figuratively.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Polpettone”Today’s word is PARACULO, applied to those who cleverly look out for themselves.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Paraculo”Today’s word is SCHIZZO, Italian for sketch, splash, and other meanings.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Schizzo”Today’s word is ZONZO, Italian for wandering or roaming.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zonzo”Today’s word is BIRICHINO, Italian for a little rascal.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Birichino”Today’s word is BOFONCHIARE, Italian for mumbling and complaining.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bofonchiare”Today’s word is MINESTRA, Italian for soup.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Minestra”Today’s word is PASTICCIO and other derivations of the word.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pasticcio”Today’s word is MONELLO, Italian for a brat, someone who is naughty.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Monello”Today’s word is POGO, Italian for a mosh pit.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pogo”Today’s word is FURFANTE, Italian for a petty thief.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Furfante”Today’s word is SCIOCCO, Italian for silly (but also used to mean “saltless.”)
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sciocco”Today’s word is SOLFEGGIO.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Solfeggio”Today’s word is ZERBINO, Italian for doormat.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zerbino”