FAST FOOD vs. SLOW FOOD at Casa Italiana

Lou Di Palo, owner of DiPalo’s Fine Foods in Little Italy and Louis Coluccio Jr. from Coluccio & Son in Brooklyn, two of the best known vendors of Italian specialties in New York, were guests at NYU’s Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, as part of the educational series “Genuinely Italian” organized by the Gruppo Ristoratori Italiani. They were interviewed by Michelle Scicolone, author of many successful books on gastronomy, among which her latest The Italian Slow Cooker. The meeting was intended to inform the American public on cooking, but also on the authenticity of the Italian products sold in the Big Apple. The event was embellished by a delicious rich buffet set up by the organizers. Scicolone, who lately has been concentrating on the bad habits of American consumers and the importance of eating healthily and slowly, avoiding fast foods, served as moderator at the well-attended discussion, answering questions from the public and dialoguing with the two speakers, experts of the food sector and very well prepared on the origin of products made in Italy.