Baroque Dreaming Into Contemporary Opera
- Music
Mysticism, Feminism, and the Power of Nature
View details about the event: Baroque Dreaming Into Contemporary OperaEnnio Ranaboldo (CEO, Martin Bauer North America) with Stefano Mirti (Director, Scuola Superiore d'Arte Applicata di Milano)
Tempi nuovi, passioni antiche per arti e mestieri: come reinventare una scuola illustre
Ennio Ranaboldo (CEO, Martin Bauer North America)
in conversation with
Stefano Mirti (Director, Scuola Superiore d’Arte Applicata di Milano)
The episode will be broadcast live on Casa’s Facebook Page and website
La conversazione si focalizzerà su passato, presente e futuro del progetto educativo formativo, in particolare sui corsi di maggiore attenzione, confrontando il territorio reale con le comunità virtuali, passando da Lapis, la Super TV, con un po’ di spazio riservato alla situazione attuale che vive la formazione durante la pandemia.
Tutti a Casa! Live Chats About All Things Italian is the new radio-style, web-based talk show that Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò and the Department of Italian Studies at NYU are launching to bring into your homes the voices and flavors of live and entertaining talks around Italian matters that really matter: arts, movies, literature, politics, and a lot more.
This is our way to keep our community connected and continue to learn new things together in these times of challenge and pain, but also of opportunity. A new way to be together, and engaged on a common track of learning and discovery.