Vivaldi and…
- Music
“What Makes It Italian?” S/Conosciuto (“Unknown/Well-Known”)
View details about the event: Vivaldi and…Una conversazione con Don Bruno Bignami [In ITALIAN]
Tutti a Casa! Live Chats About All Things Italian is the new radio-style, web-based talk show that Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò and the Department of Italian Studies at NYU are launching to bring into your homes the voices and flavors of live and entertaining talks around Italian matters that really matter: arts, movies, literature, politics, and a lot more.
This is our way to keep our community connected and continue to learn new things together in these times of challenge and pain, but also of opportunity. A new way to be together, and engaged on a common track of learning and discovery.
Riflessioni sulla Pasqua da Don Mazzolari a Papa Bergoglio
Stefano Albertini (NYU)
in conversation with
Don Bruno Bignami (Gregorian University)
The episode will be broadcast live on Casa’s Facebook Page and website
In occasione del venerdì santo, la conversazione con Don Bruno Bignami, Direttore dell’Ufficio Nazionale per i Problemi Sociali e il Lavoro della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana, si incentrerà sull’operato di Don Primo Mazzolari attraverso il suo Fratello Giuda e il Diario di una primavera, nonché uno sguardo sulle preoccupazioni della Chiesa nei confronti dei lavoratori in questo periodo difficile.