Vivaldi and…
- Music
“What Makes It Italian?” S/Conosciuto (“Unknown/Well-Known”)
View details about the event: Vivaldi and…For Students Only!
Opera to the People is a group open to NYU and other students in order to delve into the world and language of opera, with the objective of fostering a new generation of attentive opera-goers. The group meets to watch and listen to recordings of a particular opera that will be attended LIVE the following evening. This serves the purpose of familiarizing the participants with the themes and structure of the work, enhancing the experience in the theater. Casa Italiana kindly covers the cost of a number of tickets for the performance. Led by Julian Sachs, Program Coordinator at NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò.
The seventh and final gathering of the 2022-23 opera season will be dedicated to Mozart’s Don Giovanni which the group will be ATTENDING LIVE at The Metropolitan Opera on May 5th. The first 25 NYU students who RSVP (and attend the introductory evening) will receive FREE TICKETS to the performance. Remaining tickets will be distributed to all other attending students in RSVP order.
The evening remains free and open to all students interested. Pizza and soft drinks will be served.
Please note: Casa Italiana hosts but does not interfere with the programming choices of the group. For all information, join the group on Facebook here or contact the coordinator of the group, Julian Sachs, at julian.sachs@nyu.edu.