Reading of the Names
- Giorno della Memoria
Consulate General of Italy, 690 Park Avenue
View details about the event: Reading of the NamesParodies of 'The Betrothed' in Comics and TV
On the occasion of the publication of The Betrothed
A new translation by Michael F. Moore of Alessandro Manzoni’s I promessi sposi
Laughing with Manzoni
Parodies of The Betrothed in Comics and TV
Presentations by
Serena Moscardelli, Ph.D. Candidate in Italian Studies
Anita Quero, Ph.D. Candidate in Italian Studies
Introduced by
Eugenio Refini, NYU
The fortunes and misfortunes of Alessandro Manzoni in Italian culture are tightly related to the writer’s place in the national “canon” of literary authors. Imposed onto generations of students in Italian schools, The Betrothed has, for better or for worse, entered Italy’s collective imagination. Fruitful insights into the ways in which the most important novel of the Italian literary tradition has informed both high and popular culture come from the numerous parodies that have retold the story of Renzo and Lucia. This conversation will focus on adaptations of The Betrothed into comics and TV, including the Disney parodies and the acclaimed 1990 TV adaptation by the notorious Trio Lopez-Marchesini-Solenghi. Brace yourself for some serious fun!