Adventures in Italian Opera with Fred Plotkin
- Music
A Conversation with Alvise Casellati
View details about the event: Adventures in Italian Opera with Fred PlotkinWhat Makes it Italian? Discovering Regional Characteristics in Music
The monumentality of The Eternal City manifests in substantial music with fully-developed harmonic structure. We feature GB Costanzi, a maestro di cappella of the Cappella Giulia at St. Peter’s.
What Makes It Italian? Discovering Regional Characteristics in Music is a music listening and discussion group that meets online on the Zoom platform and is open to everyone.
Participation is free.
The group is led by Gina Crusco, who guides listening at Bard LLI and Riverdale Y, and who has been music instructor at The New School and director of Underworld Productions.
Please email to confirm your attendance and receive an invitation link.
Casa Italiana NYU’s music listening club goes on a regional tasting tour! Discover how Italy’s regional schools contribute to italianità and to the larger picture of European musical development. We listen to and discuss selections ranging from Venetian violin virtuosity to Sicilian folk songs; Florentine madrigals to Bolognese instrumental music; and Roman sacred music to Neapolitan opera.