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Music, Theater & Dance

Europa’s Opera: Three Acts

at Deutsches Haus at NYU (42 Washington Mews)

Friday, January 24, 2020
6:00 pm


Europa’s Opera: Three Acts is a collaboration among three of NYU’s International Houses: NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, Deutsches Haus at NYU, and La Maison Française of NYU, and will showcase productions by three of New York City’s most innovative opera companies.

In the late 16th century, in what could be described as a revolutionary act, a group of intellectuals, from an array of different backgrounds, gathered to conceive a musical art form that would update the supposed ancient Greek practice of comprehensibly setting words to music. This method of reciting through song (recitar cantando) expanded very quickly throughout the European continent, reaching the ears and hearts of people normally separated by country, class, language, and gender.

Curated by Gina Crusco (Underworld Productions), Europa’s Opera: Three Acts draws upon this rich history and presents three semi-staged productions by Philip Shneidman’s The Little Opera Theater of New York, Dorian Bandy, and Judith BarnesVertical Player Repertory. These performances and an in-depth moderated conversation among the producers aim to demonstrate the power of art and music to transcend national borders, and to act as a binding force, uniting people in a shared experience and common cause.

LOTny (The Little Opera Theater of New York)
Zemlinsky’s Zimmer
Selections from Alexander von Zemlinsky’s Eine florentinische Tragödie (1917)

This event takes place at
Deutsches Haus at NYU (42 Washington Mews)

Zemlinskys Zimmer is a 45-minute musical and theatrical soirée of music by Alexander von Zemlinsky, who was born in Vienna, Austria in 1871 and died in Larchmont, NY in 1942. The soirée will include extended excerpts from his opera Eine Florentinische Tragödie which was adapted from Oscar Wilde’s play A Florentine Tragedy.

John Kaneklides, Katy Lindhart, and Eric McKeever
with LOTny Music Director Catherine Miller

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