Forgotten Gems with Joshua Cohen
- Cinema
In conversation with Antonio Monda
View details about the event: Forgotten Gems with Joshua CohenDante's Epistles and His Latin Works of the Last Years
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by Thursday, October 21
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The Dante Project of New York
Maria Luisa Ardizzone, NYU
Teodolinda Barolini, Columbia University
Presented by:
NYU Department of Italian Studies
NYU Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò
NYU Medieval and Renaissance Center
In Collaboration with:
Columbia University, Department of Italian and
Italian Academy for Advanced Study in America
Sponsored by Intesa Sanpaolo
Complete Schedule (All times listed in EDT):
– – – Morning Session – – –
9:00am: Opening Remarks
Una Chaudhuri, Dean of Humanities, NYU
Alison Cornish, Chair, Department of Italian Studies, NYU
Stefano Albertini, Director, Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, NYU
Maria Luisa Ardizzone, NYU / The Dante Project of New York
9:15-10:45am: Panel I
Chair: Susanna Barsella, Fordham University
Claudia Villa, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Restauro e nuove datazioni delle Epistole di Dante
Gabriella Albanese, Università di Pisa Pastorale dantesca: le “Egloge” alla luce della filologia interpretativa e di una lettura autobiografica
Paolo Pontari, Università di Pisa La datazione delle “Egloge” tra contesto storico e biografia dantesca
– – – 10:45-11:00am: Break – – –
11:00am-12:00pm: Panel II
Chair: Julie Van Peteghem, CUNY
Teodolinda Barolini, Columbia University “Utrum de passione in passionem possit anima transformari” (Ep. 3): Love and Compulsion between Epistola, Convivio, and Commedia
Michele Rinaldi, Università della Campania “Non extra materiam naturalem”: For a Non-Fictional Interpretation of Dante’s Quaestio de aqua et terra
– – – 12:00-1:00pm: Break – – –
– – – Afternoon Session – – –
1:00pm: Opening Remarks
Teodolinda Barolini, Columbia University / The Dante Project of New York
1:15-2:15pm: Panel III
Chair: Alessandro Vettori, Rutgers University
Luca Azzetta, Università di Firenze “Secondo che scrisse l’autore medesimo a messer Cane della Scala”, L’Epistola a Cangrande: amicizia, isolamento e autocoscienza di un poeta visionario
Maria Luisa Ardizzone, NYU “Veritatis amore…etiam odio falsitatis”, Science and Truth: A Transversal Reading of a Few Fragments of Dante’s Questio
– – – 2:15-2:30pm: Break – – –
2:30-3:30pm: Panel IV
Chair: Paola Ureni, CUNY
Jonathan Combs-Schilling, Ohio State University A Member of No Flock: Revisiting (and Transcending) the decem vascula Debate
John Took, University College London The Text as Testimony
The Dante Project of New York is a multi-year Dantean collaboration between Maria Luisa Ardizzone of New York University and Teodolinda Barolini of Columbia University. In its first phase the Project was called Global Dante Project of New York, since it was devoted to holding yearly conferences on each of Dante’s so-called “minor works”, thus producing a “global” reading of Dante (“lettura globale di Dante”).
Past editions of the Dante Project of New York have been:
1st edition 2015: Monarchia
Dante as Political Theorist: Historicizing Theology and Theologizing Power
2nd edition 2016: Vita Nuova
Vita Nuova: Archeologies of a Text
3rd edition 2017: De Vulgari Eloquentia
De vulgari eloquentia: Dante’s Laboratory of Vernacular Speech
4th edition 2018: Convivio
Convivio: Dante’s Philosophical Treatise
5th edition 2019: Rime
Rime: Dante’s Workshop of the Heart
Three volumes have been published that are related to the work of the Dante Project of New York:
1. Dante and Heterodoxy: The Temptations of 13th Century Radical Thought, ed. and with an Introduction by Maria Luisa Ardizzone, with a Conclusion by Teodolinda Barolini, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014.
2. Dante as Political Theorist: Reading Monarchia, ed. Maria Luisa Ardizzone, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018.
3. Vita Nuova: Archeologie di un testo, ed. Maria Luisa Ardizzone and Teodolinda Barolini, Studj Romanzi 14 (nuova serie), 2018.
A fourth volume, collecting the papers of the Rime conference of 2019, is being prepared by Christopher Kleinhenz.