Vivaldi and…
- Music
“What Makes It Italian?” S/Conosciuto (“Unknown/Well-Known”)
View details about the event: Vivaldi and…Adventures in Italian Opera with Fred Plotkin / Dante and...
Casa Italiana’s two popular series Adventures in Italian Opera with Fred Plotkin and Dante and… meet up for their first event of the season, focusing on Dante’s presence in the world of opera (and classical music in general).
Fred Plotkin will be leading a conversation with American conductor Michael Hurshell, Artistic Director of the newly founded Neue Jüdische Kammerphilharmonie in Dresden, with the participation of Casa Italiana Director Stefano Albertini and Alison Cornish, Professor of Italian at NYU and organizer of Dante and…, a series of lectures that focus on Dante’s relevance in today’s world featuring scholars and experts from many different fields of interest, invited to present their unique readings of the poet’s works.