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Art, History & Politics, Italian American Issues

Celebrating the Neapolitan Presepio

Lecture and Presentation

Monday, December 3, 2018
6:30 pm


Presented by the American Italian Cultural Roundtable
Commendatore Aldo Mancusi, President
In association with The Enrico Caruso Museum

Celebrating the Neapolitan Presepio

A lecture and presentation by
Anita Sanseverino and Lou Barella
featuring the unveiling of a newly created Presepe Napoletano by Brooklyn artist John Miniero

A Neapolitan Presepio is more than a Nativity scene! It is a unique art form which combines the birth of Christ with the daily life of the people of Naples. This art form places Naples at the center of the monumental event of the birth of Christ!  Come and learn the history of this art form  and appreciate the detailed re-creation of the traditional Presepe as crafted by local artist John Miniero. The Presepe he created will be displayed and you will be able to meet the artist as well.

Please note: This event is only open to members of Casa Italiana and the American Italian Cultural Roundtable.


Followed by a reception.

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