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Fashion, Photography

Capitals of Fashion: Paris vs. Florence, Rome, and Milan

Dr. Valerie Steele in conversation with Grazia d'Annunzio

Friday, December 13, 2019
6:30 pm


Dr. Valerie Steele, Director, The Museum at F.I.T.
in conversation with
Grazia d’Annunzio, Università Statale di Milano

Maybe you have already seen Paris Capital of Fashion, the exhibition on view at the Museum at F.I.T. curated by the Museum’s director Dr. Valerie Steele.

If so, don’t’ miss this talk. If you haven’t, don’t miss this talk either.

It will be an opportunity to explore how Paris and Italian cities such as Florence, Rome, and Milan confront each other in establishing their fashion monopoly. Just think of Dior, Givenchy and Saint Laurent. Think of Pucci, Valentino, Armani and many more…