Reading of the Names
- Giorno della Memoria
Consulate General of Italy, 690 Park Avenue
View details about the event: Reading of the Namesat the Istituto Italiano di Cultura (686 Park Ave.)
Celebrating 100 years from the birth of Italo Calvino
Calvino and the Americas
In collaboration with
Ragusa Foundation
Istituto Italiano di Cultura
Please note:
The morning event takes place at the
Istituto Italiano di Cultura (686 Park Ave)
Panel Discussion:
Laura Di Nicola, Università La Sapienza, Rome
Parlare alle Americhe
Martin McLaughlin, Oxford University
Calvino’s Essays on Anglophone American Writers
Giulio Ciancamerla, filmmaker (Ph.D. Università La Sapienza, Rome)
America, God’s Country: Italo Calvino’s Film Reportage
Valerio Cappozzo, University of Mississippi
Calvino Visible but Invisible: The Relationship with the American Press and Publishing
Click here for more details