Accademia Verdiana in New York
- Music
Young Artists Recital
View details about the event: Accademia Verdiana in New YorkScreening of twelve short works by the finalist students from the
Fine Arts Academies of Bari, Lecce, and Naples
Foodage (Andrea Defronzo)
Who Are You in Bed With? (Francesco Giannuzzi)
Un chilo di pane (Alessandro Rella)
Piatto a Km 0 (Michela Rondinone)
…Like a Pizza (Marco Antonica)
La pasta è un sentimento (Giulia Carluccio)
Lievitazione: Il respiro della Terra (Federica Centonze)
Bugonia (Daniele D’Amato, Margherita Pesce)
Margherita (Matteo Cesare)
Just Eat and Relax (Fausto Cianciullo)
CHOMP! (Luigi D’Acunzo)
My Feed (Pierluigi Loffredo)
Remarks by:
Stefano Albertini, NYU
Flavia Pankiewicz, journalist and writer
Sabbia Auriti, Terra Foods
Antonella Marino, art critic, Accademia Belle Arti Bari
Jacqueline Greaves, food writer
October 11, 2024