Accademia Verdiana in New York
- Music
Young Artists Recital
View details about the event: Accademia Verdiana in New YorkToday’s word is BOH, a common way to say “I don’t know”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Boh”Today’s word is GRAFFIARE, the Italian verb “to scratch”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Graffiare”Today’s word is CRETINO, the Italian word for cretin.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cretino”Today’s word is DESIDERIO, the Italian word for “wish”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Desiderio”Today’s word is ARZIGOGOLATO, a word used to describe a complex design such as a doodle.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Arzigogolato”Today’s word is APRICO, a rare Petrarchan term.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Aprico”Today’s word is FASCISMO, a very relevant term in today’s politics.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Fascismo”Today’s word is SPAPARANZATO, meaning to be sprawled.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Spaparanzato”Today’s word is ARCO, meaning arch or bow.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Arco”Today’s word is MASSERIA, a typical structure of the southern Italian region of Puglia.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Masseria”Today’s word is PRECIPITEVOLISSIMEVOLMENTE, an adverb invented by a poet in 1677, meaning extremely fast.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Precipitevolissimevolmente”Today’s word is FIERO, which means “proud”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Fiero”Today’s word is GRULLO, a Tuscan term used to describe a fool.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Grullo”Today’s word is SFIGATO, a popular term used to define an unlucky person or circumstance.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sfigato”Today’s word is MUTANDE, that means “underwear”, but literally means “to be changed”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Mutande”Today’s word is LUNGIMIRANZA, the ability to look ahead and foresee future events.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Lungimiranza”Today’s word is CONTRORA, the Southern Italian word used to describe the early afternoon and its unbearable heat.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Controra”Today’s word is AMERICANATA, the Italian word to describe over-the-top American practices.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Americanata”Today’s word is MEDITABONDO, the Italian word to describe someone lost in thoughts.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Meditabondo”Today’s word is MOLLICA, the Italian word for the soft inside of a loaf of bread.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Mollica”Today’s word is IMPENNATA, a difficult word to translate, indicating to rise upwards.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Impennata”Today’s word is INDAFFARATO, meaning “busy”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Indaffarato”Today’s word is CHIACCHIERE, meaning chatter or even BS.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Chiacchiere”Today’s word is IETTATORE, someone who curses someone else with bad luck.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Iettatore”