Leopardi. Poet of the Infinite
- Cinema
Italy on Screen Today
View details about the event: Leopardi. Poet of the InfiniteToday’s word is AMORE, Italian for “love”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Amore”Today’s word is AZZECCARE, Italian for getting something right.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Azzeccare”Today’s word is CANDIDATO, Italian for “candidate.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Candidato”Today’s word is CIN CIN, the term Italians use when making a toast.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cin Cin”Today’s word is APPARECCHIARE, meaning to set the table.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Apparecchiare”Today’s word is SCARTABELLARE, meaning “getting through paperwork.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scartabellare”Today’s word is COCCIO, meaning a piece or fragment of pottery.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Coccio”Today’s word is CAPPUCCINO, the espresso + milk froth combo.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cappuccino”Today’s word is PASSEGGIATA, meaning “a stroll.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Passeggiata”Today’s word is SFOGO, meaning “venting,” “flowing into,” or “rash.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sfogo”Today’s word is ALLEGRIA, meaning “happiness.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Allegria”Today’s word is CAMPANA, Italian for “bell” or “church bell.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Campana”Today’s word is GHETTO, from the Italian “getto.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ghetto”Today’s word is MERENDA, Italian for “afternoon snack.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Merenda”Today’s word is CAMPARE, Italian for “to live” or “to survive.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Campare”Today’s word is CONTADINO, Italian for a peasant.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Contadino”Today’s word is SBATTIMENTO, meaning an annoyance.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sbattimento”Today’s word is BAGNOMARIA, the practice of preparing something in a pot by placing it within a larger pot of boiling water.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bagnomaria”Today’s word is ALLORA, literally “at that time,” but now enriched by many different meanings.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Allora”Today’s word is DELIRARE, which means “to go crazy.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Delirare”Today’s word is MAH, an expressive syllable that is erroneously translated as “well.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Mah”Today’s word is DIALETTO, Italian for dialect.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Dialetto”Today’s word is SELVA. Italian for wilderness, or a dense wood.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Selva”Today’s word is FARLOCCO, Italian for a thief or a forgery.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Farlocco”Today’s word is ESTRO, the creative surge needed when searching for inspiration.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Estro”Today’s word is MAGNIFICO, “magnificent” in Italian, also used to address presidents of universities.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Magnifico”Today’s word is SPROVVISTO, that can mean something that is missing, but can also be used in a sentence to underline surprise.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sprovvisto”Today’s word is FACCENDIERE, Italian for a hustler or a lobbyist, used mostly in political circles.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Faccendiere”Today’s word is FIGURACCIA, Italian for a gaffe or for making a fool of oneself.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Figuraccia”Today’s word is SALVE, an Italian greeting that can be used in both formal and colloquial settings.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Salve”Today’s word is VIGNAROLA, a dish originating from the Roman vineyards.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Vignarola”Today’s word is TERRONE, a racial slur aimed at people from the southern end of the country.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Terrone”Today’s word is NEPOTISMO, like its English equivalent “nepotism” it finds historic roots in the Italian peninsula.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Nepotismo”Today’s word is APERITIVO, the Italian cocktail accompanied by food.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Aperitivo”Today’s word is CODESTO, a rare Italian pronoun.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Codesto”Today’s word is BANCA, Italian for “bank.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Banca”Today’s word is SIMPATICO, a difficult word to translate that means a combination of someone’s niceness, sympathy, pleasantness, etc.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Simpatico”Today’s word is SPREZZATURA, indicating the nonchalanche necessary to make something difficult appear easy.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sprezzatura”Today’s word is STRUGGIMENTO, literally and figuratively signifying something that falls apart or melts away.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Struggimento”Today’s word is CAMPANILISMO, the Italian tradition of preferring one’s home town (and its belltower) to any other place.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Campanilismo”Today’s word is SCHIFO, meaning “disgusting.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Schifo”Today’s word is RIVALE, or – in English – “rival.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Rivale”Today’s word is CORNUTO, literally meaning “cuckold,” but colloquially used as an insult more similar to “son of a bitch.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cornuto”Today’s word is BUFALA, meaning a female buffalo, but used mostly to describe fake news.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bufala”Today’s word is ZABAIONE, an egg-based dessert, typical for the holiday season.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zabaione”Today’s word is ANZI, an untranslatable Italian word, somewhere between “on the contrary” and “furthermore.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Anzi”Today’s word is FIGURATI, an Italian single-word expression signifying contradiction and disbelief.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Figurati”Today’s word is BOTTEGA, an Italian word with multiple meanings relating to storage and schooling.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bottega”Today’s word is CHITARRA, Italian word for “guitar,” but also a type of pasta.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Chitarra”Today’s word is CENCIOSO, Italian for “ragged.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cencioso”Today’s word is VOLENTIERI, Italian for “willingly” or “with pleasure.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Volentieri”Today’s word is ACUTO, the word for “sharp” and for a “high-note”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Acuto”Today’s word is DON, a common title of honor in Italy.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Don”Today’s word is TRASECOLARE, Italian for being dumbfounded.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Trasecolare”Today’s word is MALMOSTOSO, Italian for someone who is grumpy.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Malmostoso”Today’s word is LIBRETTO, the booklet of verses for a work of musical theater. Featuring New York City Opera’s Francesca Campagna.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Libretto”Today’s word is SCIALLA, which means “take it easy”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scialla”Today’s word is SCORCIATOIA, Italian for “shortcut.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scorciatoia”Today’s word is ARRANGIARSI, Italian for “making due” or “getting by”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Arrangiarsi”Today’s word is DISSIMULAZIONE, Italian for lie or concealment.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Dissimulazione”Today’s word is FERRAGOSTO, the Italian mid-August holiday.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ferragosto”Today’s word is BIASIMARE, Italian for “blaming” or “cursing”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Biasimare”Today’s word is CATTIVO, Italian for “bad” or “evil”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cattivo”Today’s word is SENSIBILE, that translates to “sensitive”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sensibile”Today’s word is PINZIMONIO, an Italian dish of fresh vegetables.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pinzimonio”Today’s word is TIFO, Italian for “sport rooting”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tifo”Today’s word is SCARABOCCHIO, Italian for “illegible writing.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scarabocchio”Today’s word is SCEMO, Italian word for “stupid.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scemo”Today’s word is MENZOGNA, the Italian word for “lie.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Menzogna”Today’s word is RAGÙ, the Italian ground-beef-based sauce.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ragù”Today’s word is GIOIA, the Italian word for “joy” that has many uses.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Gioia”Today’s word is INCANTO, the Italian word for “enchantment.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Incanto”Today’s word is QUAQUARAQUA’, the phonosymbolic definition of someone who is all words and no action.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Quaquaraquà”Today’s word is CAFONI, the somewhat Italian equivalent of ‘yokels.’
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Cafoni”Today’s word is MAESTRO, Italian for “teacher”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Maestro”Today’s word is BOICOTTARE, Italian for ‘boycotting,’ a word derived from the English.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Boicottare”Today’s word is MAGARI, Italian for ‘if only!’ or ‘I wish’.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Magari”Today’s word is IMBROGLIO, Italian for a ‘scam’ or for ‘cheating.’
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Imbroglio”Today’s word is la RESISTENZA, Italian for the Resistance.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “La Resistenza”Today’s word is INCIUCIO. Originally derived from the Neapolitan word for “chit-chat”, it is used today to describe secret political dealmaking.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Inciucio”Today’s word is SCRUTINIO, that is used slightly differently in Italian than its English counterpart, “scrutinize”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scrutinio”Today’s word is QUALUNQUISMO, the Italian word for an anti-political political movement.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Qualunquismo”Today’s word is BALLOTTAGGIO, the Italian word for “counting ballots.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ballottaggio”Today’s word is PAROLAIO, the Italian word for “windbag.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Parolaio”Today’s word is PESCE, the Italian word for “fish.”
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Pesce”Today’s word is MERDA, the Italian word for “shit,” but also the good luck cheer among performers.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Merda”Today’s word is A UFO (or A UFA), the Italian word for “free and limitless”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “A ufo”Today’s word is SCRUPOLO, the Italian word for a doubt.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scrupolo”Today’s word is SBIRRO, the Italian word for cop, but slightly worse.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Sbirro”Today’s word is OMBRA, the Italian word for shadow.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Ombra”Today’s word is BACCHETTONA, the Italian word for a strict and severe person.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bacchettona”Today’s word is BORGATA, the Italian word for the working class city outskirts.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Borgata”Today’s word is BISLACCO, the Italian equivalent of “bizarre”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Bislacco”Today’s word is TRANQUILLO, the Italian equivalent of “chill”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Tranquillo”Today’s word is PAROLA, the Italian word for “word”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Parola”Today’s word is NEGOZIO, the Italian word for “store”.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Negozio”