Guido Alberto Fano
- Concert
A Journey in Words and Music
View details about the event: Guido Alberto FanoEleonora Stoppino (University of Illinois) in conversation with Alice Balestrino (University of Illinois)
Watch the video: Inferno 29: On ContagionPaola Nasti (Northwestern University) in conversation with Nicolò Maldina (The University of Edinburgh)
Watch the video: Paradiso 11: The Untold Riches of LoveToday’s word is ZONZO, Italian for wandering or roaming.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Zonzo”Claudia Rossignoli (University of St. Andrews) in conversation with Daragh O’Connell (University College Cork)
Watch the video: Purgatorio 8: Community and Exclusion in the Valley of the Negligent RulersGlenn Steinberg (The College of New Jersey) in conversation with Carolyn Scott (National Cheng Kung University)
Watch the video: Inferno 9: Styx and Stones. In Honor of Mark MusaBeatrice Arduini (University of Washington, Seattle) in conversation with Paolo Borsa (Université de Fribourg)
Watch the video: Paradiso 8: Only the Good Die YoungAdoyo (Georgetown University) in conversation with Dennis Looney (Modern Language Association)
Watch the video: Purgatorio 17: Dante Craftsman: Poet of JusticeDanielle Callegari (Dartmouth College) in conversation with Anna Wainwright (University of New Hampshire)
Watch the video: Inferno 6: Gluttony, Food, and the Body PoliticToday’s word is SCENA, the Italian word for scene.
Watch the video: Parole Parole: “Scena”Alberto Gelmi (The Graduate Center, CUNY) in conversation with Filippo Fabbricatore (The Graduate Center, CUNY)
Watch the video: Paradiso 9: Make Love, Make War, and Sing About ItAlessandro Vettori (Rutgers University) in conversation with Isabella Magni (Rutgers University)
Watch the video: Purgatorio 32: The Allegory of Political and Spiritual Change in EdenMary Watt (University of Florida) in conversation with Maggie Fritz-Morkin (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Watch the video: Inferno 21: Comedy, Carnival, and Conduct in the Malebolge