Forgotten Gems with Kent Jones
- Cinema
In conversation with Antonio Monda
View details about the event: Forgotten Gems with Kent JonesWorkshop for Students
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– be 12+ years of age
– show a valid government-issued photo ID
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– wear a well-fitted mask at all times
Please note:
This event is open to the general public, but is primarily intended for students
Hands on. Female voices in Archilet
A Digital Humanities Project Regarding Maria Savorgnan’s Letters
Introductory meeting
Led by
Ida Caiazza, NYU / University of Oslo
The web database Archilet aims at describing potentially all the letter exchanges of the Italian Renaissance. A great deal of work is yet to be done in order to add to it the female contribution to the incredibly rich epistolary conversations which took place in 16th-century Italy. Interesting examples of female letter-writing such as Maria Savorgnan’s and Isabella de’ Medici’s are still waiting to be made available to scholars, students and researchers, through the database. In the workshop “Hands on. Female voices in Archilet” (October-December 2022), we will read together samples of Maria Savorgnan’s love letters to Pietro Bembo, and the participants will be trained in extracting letter descriptions in Archilet style and format. Then, each participant will be assigned a reasonable number of Savorgnan’s letters and will describe them on his/her own (assistance and supervision will be provided). At the end of the workshop, the participants’ descriptions will be uploaded to Archilet, along with the describer’s name. Depending on the participants’ interests, further developments such as a translation into English, and/or public readings of the letters etc will be considered and possibly implemented. The workshop will be in English; the letters to be described are vernacular Italian texts of the 16th century; the descriptions to be uploaded to Archilet are in Italian. Advanced reading and writing skills in Italian are therefore required.
Ida Caiazza is currently a Marie Curie Global Fellow at the University of Oslo and at New York University. She studied at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa, and collaborated with the University of Pisa, the University of Helsinki, the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore, the Guglielmo Marconi University of Rome. Her research interests regard mainly the Italian literature of the Renaissance, but also modern and contemporary writers as Foscolo and Camilleri, as well as Classical Philology. She has published on a variety of subjects which include sixteenth- and seventeenth-centuries love letter collections, Renaissance drama, hybrid narrative forms, paremiology, and literary onomastics. Her Marie Curie project focuses on literary and private female writings exploring the connections between love, marriage and adultery. These writings will be analysed through a gender perspective and within the methodological framework of the history of emotions. She is currently finalizing a monograph whose provisional title is Narrare per lettera. Epistola, novella e romanzo nel Rinascimento.
Conceived by Ida Caiazza (Marie Curie Fellow at New York University), Love and Letters in the Renaissance is a series of lectures and workshops that focus on women’s private writing and the wide array of emotions related to romantic love. The lectures feature international experts of Renaissance studies, Science, History of Emotions, and other fields. The workshops involve students, artists, and scholars in digital and public humanities projects about secret love letter exchanges between lovers.
These events are part of the research project Women Thinking Love. A Gendered History of Emotions in Renaissance and Post-Tridentine Italy (1500-1650). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement no 101024624.